datathon fme

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November 11-12 2023

Sign up

What's the datathon?

The datathon is a weekend-long competition where you are challenged to solve real-world challenges using techniques in machine learning, AI, and data science. We'll present three challenges, and you'll have to choose one. Typically, you'll be asked to find solutions to specific problems using some datasets. Apart from this, there will be non-mandatory workshops and activities to get relaxed and meet new people!


Our event will take place in UPC's School of Mathematics and Statistics, located in C/ Pau Gargallo 14, Barcelona. You can find a map here!

You will have access to classrooms to work with your own laptop. We will provide you Wi-Fi and food.


The event will start on Saturday November 11 at 9h when we will present the challenges.

You'll be able to work for 32 hours. The event will end on Sunday 12 at 17h, with a closing ceremony where we'll announce the winners.


All students are allowed to attend! Some data analysis or coding skills might be useful, but not required to participate. In fact, there will be a special prize for rookies!

We will provide you with meals, Wi-Fi and some nice swag. And of course, it's completely free!

More about the event...

  • Teams: We expect you to work in small groups (maximum 4 people). You can make your own team, but we can help you if needed.
  • Meals: You will be provided with meals and snacks according to your dietary preferences. Don't forget to state them in your application!
  • Spirit: Although it's a competition, the datathon is an space to learn and have fun. There will be workshops and activities, among other surprises!
  • Prizes: We will be giving more than 2000 € in prizes. More on that soon!

Join the event!

  • We're currently recruiting mentors and volunteers! Join us, it'll be fun!
  • If you are thinking of partnering with us or sponsoring us, don't hesitate to reach us at
  • If you have any doubts, feel free to contact us as well! We also accept suggestions or ideas.

Don't know what to expect?

Watch last edition's official video!


About us

We are the Data Students' Association! We are organizing the third edition of this datathon, jointly with FME. Among our goals, we aim to promote data science within UPC. If you are studying Data Science & Engineering, you should definitely join us!







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